Wednesday, 16 January 2019

A Day of DR part 1

The setting is middle-lands of Albion in the Old World. Dwarves have finally to Albion after what occurred during the “The Tragedy of McDeath”
The dwarves (with kislev) scouts have returned to they ancestor mine of Dungal Hill in the Dwarf-field region of Albion (Formally know as Undead-field by the local in resent times) backed up with they sponsors of Tileans from Remas
The return of the Dwarves awoke the man from his grave who destroyed them in the first place Een McWreaker. He had the key to the treasury stolen from the dwarfs during the reign of McDeath. For his efforts he became known as Chamberlain McWreaker and spent the rest of his life suppressing peasants to a slaves. His only goal is to retake his treasure and to destroy the dwarfs.
Con Von Evens – A Blood Knight whom casket accidentally came to Albion during a failed trip to the Empire. Solely uninterested by the nonsense of other and he built up a small region of control to help him with a “live stock” and to dabble with necromancy when the local fimirs and tribes men no longer provide suitable martial practice.

Game 1 – Scenario C – 6pts per player
Defender as the undead force, the Amulet is among this members, that unit earns 3pts regardless of strength if it escapes.

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The Amush is set, the Dwarves hope to grab the Amulet (not the Ring) off the unsuspecting Dead.

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 The ambush is busted from the off... the undead didnt panic (obviously on hindsight) and the banshee held off the scouts

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The dwarves fell back in rapid order to hold the bridge...

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Banshee torments and terrorizes the dwarves and slowly they numbers fall.
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The ambush was a failure, the Undead continue to the vault with the amulet

Game 2 – Scenario F. 12 Points per Player.
Defender are the winning of game 1, as they trying to open Mc Wreaker Vault

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Chamberlain Mc Wrecker is at the vault trying to unlock his riches! The dwarves have other ideas...
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The Slayer rush the guard, the undead are to slow to react...

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The Slayers are trying to single handed clear the vault and kill Mc Wrecker themselves!
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 Mc Wrecker flee to the tower, the slayer fell back but now the rest of the force is storming the Vault! OH THE HORROR!
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The Copter does a bombing run on the vault and destroys the lock so Mc Wrecker cannot regain his lost gold! And not to forget the collection of the Amulet...

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